Choices, choices… There are lots of ways to do digital logic.
I choice NMOS because I wanted to.
For the N-channel MOSFETs, I chose 2N7002 in SOT-23 because it was the cheapest. I ended up with 9.1k pullup resistors and 12V supply because it was convenient and seemed to be a reasonable speed compromise (a few hundred ns switching time / 16mW static power). Parts are $0.032/inverter at quanity and cover about 20mm² of board area in 0805/SOT-23.
Git repository Overview VMP is a processor. A very mediocre one. It’s an 8/16-bit Harvard architecture RISC CPU built with 1565 discrete transistors. It can runs at about 30,000 instructions/second, consuming approximately 8W (similar to my entire laptop idling at a few gigahertz).
The actual VMP CPU is the stack of boards in the middle of the photo. To the left is a standard IDE hard drive from an old desktop.